Finding out you are expecting a baby can be a very exciting time, and as your due date gets closer you may want to start buying baby clothes. Knowing what sizes of clothes to buy can be hard as the weight and size of a baby can vary drastically. Even a baby that reaches full term can weigh a couple of pounds (plus more) different to another one.

Baby clothes often are sized in New-born, zero to three months and three to six etc. but some places do size the clothes differently. H and M for example offer a size that is zero to 1 month and then two to four months.

If you have a very small baby you may need to buy tiny baby clothes which are only available at certain retailers. I would always recommend not buying too many outfit of the same size as babies grow very quickly in the first few months so you may find that you do not get to use many of the outfits before they no longer fit.